Jungang Logistics Service

Transportation Business

For reducing logistics costs and enhancing efficiencyONE-STOP-SERVICE

  • In-house vehicle transportation
    In-house vehicle transportation

    Stable transportation
    enabled through the diverse utilization
    of in-house vehicles

  • Regional transportation hubs
    지역별 운송 거점

    Building a network
    connecting regional transportation
    hubs and logistics centers

  • Customized dispatch personnel
    고객맞춤 배차인력

    Direct management of
    customer-tailored services
    by professional dispatch personnel
    with an average tenure of over 5 years

  • Transportation 24Hour, 365 days
    Transportation 24Hour, 365 days

    Transportation available 24Hour, 365 days
    in all inland areas

  • Vehicle Utilization Rate 100%
    Vehicle Utilization Rate 100%

    Monthly operation frequency
    of 15,000trips with no omissions
    or defaults
    Vehicle Utilization Rate : 100%

  • Cost Reduction
    Cost Reduction

    Vehicle Operational Costs and
    Cost Reduction

  • Increase in Sales Performance
    Increase in Sales Performance

    Expansion of organization
    and increased sales performance
    due to partnership with specialized
    logistics transportation companies
    and enhancement of internal

  • Increase in Corporate Profits
    기업 이윤 증대

    Ultimately, enhancing corporate
    competitiveness and increasing
    corporate profits